Tuesday, March 22, 2022


picture it, brooklyn, 2022. two freakish wonder twins meet up for a random fun-filled monday and tuesday. in the morning, FWT dorothy has a meeting with her group, in which she discusses a molecule labeled "1909"... something she hasn't discussed in a long time. Later that same day, she visits FWT toyoko in her hotel, and toyoko is staying in ROOM 1909!!! coincidence.. or freakish wonder twin occurence?

Monday, February 28, 2022


FTW toyoko has been obsessed with salad with balsamic vinegar dressing. She texted FWT dorothy that she's been really into salad with BV dressing, even though she hasn't been into BV for years.. and that she was thinking about the old days when they were obsessed with BV and had a giant costco sized jug of it. FWT dorothy randomly had BV the night before, even though she hasn't touched it in months!